The People Vs. Agent Orange POSTER
The herbicide, Agent Orange is sprayed from a military helicopter over vast expanses of South Vietnam. Between 1962 and 1971, the U. S. sprayed 12 million gallons of dioxin-contaminated Agent Orange and 8 million gallons of other herbicides on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia — an average of 5,200 gallons a day for 3,735 days.
[Archival film still_National Archives and Records Administration]
C-123 “Provider” aircraft spray Agent Orange, a 50/50 mixture of the herbicides 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D, over Vietnam during Operation Ranch Hand, 1962-1971.
[Film still: The National Archives and Records Administration].
Carol Van Strum with her rescued animals, Oregon.
Photo: Ken Gagne
Carol Van Strum, Kathy Drummond and Peter Von Stackelberg scan the tens of thousands of chemical company documents collected by Van Strum over decades. They are now available to the public via “The Poison Papers” and “Toxic Docs” websites.
(Photo: Risa F. Scott)
Tran To Nga divides her time between a suburb of Paris and Vietnam. Here she visits several of the fourth generation of victims of Agent Orange who perform and sell handicrafts at the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
(Film still: Scott Sinkler)
Tran To Nga addresses the press outside the Tribunal de Grande Instance courthouse in Evry, France. In her lawsuit, now entering its seventh year, Madame Tran is the sole complainant against an original list of 26 American chemical manufacturers. (Film still: Milena Donato)
A rivulet carries run-off from a clear cut Oregon hillside that has been sprayed with herbicides. The run-off in turn feeds a stream that is then collected in a reservoir. The people of coastal Oregon drink surface water.
(Film still: Shane Anderson)
Clandestine cell phone footage from a helicopter service technician of a commercial herbicide spraying operation on a rainy day in Oregon. The rain washes the spray down into nearby streams and into a reservoir.
(Film still: Darryl Ivy)
Dr. James Clary acknowledges in the first and only filmed interview he has ever given that as an officer and scientist in Vietnam “we knew” that Agent Orange was toxic. But no one involved in Operation Ranch Hand seems to have foreseen the extent to which the herbicide would wreak havoc on the human genome, nor that it would kill tens of thousands of Vietnamese and Americans.
(Film still: Dyanna Taylor)
Tran To Nga and her lawyers lead a manifestation in support of Agent Orange victims in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
(Film still: Scott Sinkler)
The People vs. Agent Orange horizontal format